We continuously improve our 4th generation ATRAS to revolutionize your everyday work. Equipped with numerous features, it now boasts two new highlights:
1️⃣ Piston detection – Faulty samples drawn? Not with the ATRAS! It quickly identifies insufficiently drawn aspiration samples and reliably sorts them to prevent issues with subsequent analyzers.
2️⃣ Spin Check – The ATRAS determines whether the sample has been centrifuged, enabling the selection of the correct subsequent process.
And as if that weren’t enough, we’ve increased our throughput on the racksorter from 1,000 samples/hour to 1,300 samples/hour, ensuring your work processes are more efficient than ever before! 📈
With ATRAS, your workflow has never been easier 👨‍🔬💼 #ATRASGeneration4 #Innovations #WorkflowEnhancement #SimplifiedWorkday

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